Sensitive Robot that can Cry Robot technology is just a set of rigid, cold and without expression. However, the development of technology can be any possible change. Change the device including a robot without the expression of a life that has people feeling the withdrawal.

Kobian, sensitive robot that can respond to speech and action that made by human.  Scientists from Waseda University in cooperation with companies robots Tsmuk Ltd to create a robot that can laugh, cry, complain and even shame.

TG Daily, Friday (5/22/2009) spread, the creation of this robot is the development of the concept of creating robots that have ever been. Previously, the developer team of robots paranoid Android in Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's an impasse when we want to create robots that have emotional.

Scientists from the University of Waseda then develop this design. In the end, Kobian released, appeared that seven types of expression, such as human emotions.

Kobian face is governed by a number of expressions that can change the atmosphere in accordance automatically.

Due to be very close to humans, Kobian made as a complement facilities at the hospital to treat psychological and entertaining the people who are sick.

Kobian creator claims it was a breakthrough in current robot technology. With the development of robot technology, not possible in the future robots will be able to very similar to humans.

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